Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Commercial Aero-Engine

Basic configuration of a jet engine:


Outlet Guide Vanes (OGVs):
Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) engines are designed as compact as possible and are characterized by a short asymmetric air inlet and heterogeneous Outlet Guide Vanes (OGVs).
The propulsion system of an aircraft consists of an engine and a propeller. The gas turbine engine generates mechanical power and the propeller creates the thrust, which makes the machine move forward. The outlet guide vane (OGV) is an essential element of the engine’s compressor that is responsible for the efficient delivery of air. Its function consists of directing the airflow to the combustor. Since the OGVs are subjected to erosion and potential damages, all their components, including the blades, should be precisely and reliably manufactured.

Fan Case:
The fan case of a turbo fan engine is a major part of the engine that serves two purposes; enclose the fan, and shield the passengers and aircraft in the case of blade-out accident. More often than not, the case is the single heaviest component of a jet engine. For this reason alone, optimal designs that reduce weight are absolutely critical. As might be expected, the fan case is the large cylinder covering the fan unit.
The blue highlighted ring is the section that protects the passenger from blade fragments.

Composite Fan Case on the Trent Engine.

It is difficult to say for certain what exactly the composite case is made of, as it is still a trade secret, but visual inspection suggests that a 3D tri-axial carbon fiber weave is used, at least on the exterior of the case.

Here you can see the overlaying of reinforcement on the early F50.

Temperature and Pressure at which each part of the engine is exposed:
